Published On:4/21/2016
Posted by Unknown

Military Top Scary Weapons || Advanced Future Weapons || New Documentary 2016

The reasons to women developing gynecologic cancer are many. The cancer is caused primarily due to the damage caused to certain genes resulting in the growth and spread of cells in an uncontrollable manner. The damage to the cells may be caused due to smoking, with age, due to environmental issues or even due to inheritance. The female reproductive organs such as cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina and vulva are the source from which the cells grow abnormally. The different types of gynecological cancers are cancer of the cervix, ovarian cancer, vaginal cancer, cancer of the vulva, uterine cancer and very rarely you also get to hear of cancer of the fallopian tube. The narrow end of the uterus is where cervical cancer usually starts. This area connects to the top of the vagina. Women in their 30's are found to be more prone to this type of cancer and is found to be spread by the Human Papillomavirus. The survival rate of people with this type is very high because when detected early it is treatable. Ovaries are present on either side of the uterus and are found to cause the maximum number of deaths due to cancer of the female reproductive system. If diagnosed during the early stages, the treatment can surely help. The organ that homes the baby is called the uterus. Cancer that happens in the uterus is uterine cancer. It is shaped in the form of a pear and found in the pelvis. All women are risk bearers but the risk multiplies with age. Vaginal cancer happens in the vagina which is a tube kind of structure which is present just below the uterus and runs outside the body. It is one of the rarest forms of cancer of the female reproductive organs. The cancer happening in the vulva is cancer of the vulva. The vulva is the outer portion of female genitalia. It is also one of the rare types of cancer. Fallopian tubes are organs that connect the ovaries to the uterus. Cancer of these tubes is very rare but not unheard of. The different types of cancer of the female reproductive organs have different symptoms and they all come with different risk factors. They also have separate preventive measures. Frequent screening helps in early diagnosis which in turn leads to treatment. This early diagnosis and treatment can save one from the fatal consequences of cancer. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9222968

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Posted by Unknown on 3:28 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 3:28 AM. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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