Published On:3/04/2016
Posted by Unknown

Bikelife Bike Review - 2014 Kawasaki Z1000

Been searching for some heightened thrills? Try riding naked. No, we don't mean riding without any clothes on — that's sheer idiocy. Rather, a naked motorcycle is a standard sport bike that’s been stripped of all extraneous bodywork for a radical street-fighter appearance and breakneck driving dynamics. Introduced in 2003, Kawasaki's Z1000 has been entirely overhauled for 2014, and the result is a dynamic urban brawler engineered to satisfy the needs of experienced sport-bike enthusiasts. Prior to redesigning the Z1000, Kawasaki used intensive demographic research to determine that Z1000 owners were typically older, more experienced men who preferred quick and aggressive jaunts over long-haul cruises. Performance and appearance trumped all, and so Kawasaki strove to squeeze as much '"Sugomi" as they could into the bike's styling and dynamics.

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Posted by Unknown on 7:42 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 7:42 PM. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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